Kingdom Seekers

Monday, July 22nd – Thursday, July 25th | 5:30pm-7:30pm

All kids entering Kindergarten-6th grade are invited to our first ever Vacation Bible School! Kingdom Seekers is a VBS event filled with worship, games, crafts, and learning a whole lot about Jesus. Kids who attend will have the opportunity to grow deeper in their faith and learn more about the Gospel and the Bible. Kingdom Seekers is a free event and dinner is provided every night!

Sign up Here!


Doors will open at 5:20pm each day to check in your child and get them with their group.

No, parents will drop off and pickup their kids in the front lobby each day. Each kid will get placed into a small group of similar aged children and each team will have at least one adult leader and two co-leaders.

We will start each day as a large group participating in worship, a fun skit, and group game. Then groups based on grade levels will go through 4 rotations each evening: Bible story lesson, recreation, craft, and dinner. We’ll end the day with a recap of the day all together again.

Kingdom Seekers is for anyone entering Kindergarten thru 6th grade in the Fall of 2024.

Our VBS is a free event, and all the kids get fed dinner each night, free of charge!

All of our VBS volunteers are Redemption Hill Church members and all volunteers who have interactions with children throughout the event are Ministry Safe Certified.